The Buzz: What Would the Pope Say to Donald Trump?

Those of you who follow The Inclusion Solution know that I really like Pope Francis. I am not Catholic but do identify as Christian. We dubbed him the “Icon of Inclusion” for 2013 and have written about his inclusive behaviors in several posts. His worldview resonates so much with my own and I think others of us who do this work.

As I have been sporadically listening and watching the media coverage of Pope Francis’ visit to the US and the continuing coverage of the shenanigans of Donald Trump, I just wonder what the Pope would have to say to him.

From my vantage point, the Pope spreads a message of love while Donald Trump does just the opposite. The Pope cares about the least of us and Trump has made it clear that he is only interested in capitalism. The Pope has warned against unbridled capitalism and himself, lives a life of frugality. He is riding in a Fiat while here in the US and lives in the Vatican guest house, a more modest living quarter than the Papal apartments. It seems that The Pope and Donald Trump are on opposite ends of the spectrum as it relates to values, compassion and what is important in life.

So what would the Pope say to Donald Trump? First, I think he would show love and not be judgmental.   He might say that he would pray for him. He might ask Trump to be kinder and more compassionate towards those with whom he seems to not care for. He might ask Donald Trump to search his heart to try to understand himself better and why he holds such animosity for certain individuals and groups. Perhaps he would ask Trump to accompany him when he is ministering to the poor. Perhaps he would talk with the Donald about immigration and help him to understand that this nation and many others were built on the backs of immigrants. In the end, the Pope would likely give him a big hug and tell him that he loves him. Wow! Could the Trumpster handle that? Maybe that is what he needs. A good dose of the love and compassion that flows so naturally from the Pope.