Last Saturday, I attended the Women’s March in Washington, DC with my mother and close friends.  While it was an extremely positive experience and left me with a sense of hope; I am having trouble writing about it with everything that has been happening with President Trump since that day.  I have feelings of fear and uncertainty.  While it was great to be a part of such a large movement (to see that I am not alone); I am not sure where to go from here.

I am still trying to process what is happening and it is difficult for me to put my thoughts on paper.  To help, I continue to revisit why I participated in the Women’s March.

I marched for hope; I marched against hate; I marched for human rights; I marched in support of anyone from a marginalized group; I marched for my mom; and lastly I marched because I do not know what else to do.  In the moment, I felt empowered.  To be a part of millions around the world who are all fighting for equality and social justice was inspiring.  But those feelings were short lived.  As soon as my mom and I got back home, we were taken back to reality.  Claims of voter fraud, Trump having the largest inauguration crowds ever, and the presentation of ‘alternative facts.’  This new administration has already proven itself to be dishonest while Trump is viciously signing executive orders without any thought or care.

In the aftermath of the march, I have found myself feeling infuriated, helpless and truly afraid.  Since Saturday, I have seen comparisons of Trump to Hitler, talks of dictatorship, fascism, America first – extremely scary thoughts.  While there have been discussions about impeachment, I feel that is wishful thinking.  The reality that this man was ‘elected’ president after everything we know (I’m talking facts, not alternative facts) is disheartening.  With all of the lies, hatred, disrespect that this man spewed and still became president; I find myself feeling unsettled.

To go from President Obama – an extraordinary leader, a compassionate man and a beacon of hope – to this hateful man is extremely sad and frightening.  I thought we were on the path to change and now it feels like we are taking thousands of steps backwards.

As a D&I practitioner, I know that we are charged with moving forward.  I have to remember why I do this work – not because it is easy, but because it is my calling and purpose.  I will take the time that I need to process what is happening and then determine how to move forward.  I will seek support from my community.  I will do my part in bringing about positive change and encourage others to do the same because it is true; we are stronger together.  The millions of people around the world who showed up on Saturday prove that we have a voice.  We must not give up.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

-President Barack Obama